Do It Yourself CFO (DIY CFO)

You employ a qualified team, yourself included, but the tools you use can make or break that rich talent. As your business grows, you need advanced financial and analytics software that can grow with it. Seemore Hawk’s Do It Yourself CFO (DIY CFO) program infuses your business with state-of-the-art accounting tools that your team can use to achieve a more stable and positive trajectory. Our intuitive toolkit includes everything you need for:


Financial Benchmarking


Create a reliable baseline for performance and financial levels using data from your peers, competitors, and other entities in your industry. Recognize overspending habits and trends in subpar performance, then use that data to inform your critical business decisions and strategies.

Cash Flywheel Modules/Training


Teach yourself and your executives how your business can generate more cash using a cash flywheel. This essential tool can impact the entire future of your business. With less financial stress, you’ll be able to fortify your weaknesses with increased budgets and motivate your best talents to drive further growth.

Strategic Planning


Where will your business be next year? In three years? In ten years? What are your employees, leaders, and C-suite executives working towards? Establishing a shared vision for the near, intermediate, and distant future gives your entire workforce goals they can visualize and celebrate. Strategic planning can improve your employee satisfaction and reduce the amount of management required. This crucial step in your financial structure can even inform your company’s vision and values.

Budget and Forecast


A financial snapshot of your daily operations and what they’re expected to produce in the future can show you where your weaknesses lie and where your strategic plan might be failing to account for financial projections. Fill the gaps and establish data-driven spending guidelines to improve your chances of achieving your business objectives. Accurate budgets and forecast data will also help keep your bankers and lenders happy, which everyone enjoys.

Financial Dashboard


You and your executives don’t have endless free time to spend pouring over complicated spreadsheets and financial statements. Our DIY CFO dashboard produces easy-to-read charts and graphs that you can quickly review to glean an instant picture of your company’s financial health. From the intuitive dashboard, you can even make changes that will be instantly reflected to the other members of your financial and leadership teams.

Monthly Financial Review


Frequent reviews of your financial position keep you on track to your objectives by enabling you to adapt to changes, strengthen identified weaknesses, and correct missteps quickly. Seemore Hawk’s proprietary financial analytics software will help you determine which trends and occurrences should be reflected in your budgets and strategic planning.

De-Risk The Business


All businesses face risk, and that risk level can be quite high for companies that haven’t taken direct action to mitigate it. Our DIY CFO tools will help you eliminate unnecessary risk and prepare for the possibility of a risk event. By implementing legal, accounting, insurance, and employee-related strategies, your business will be able to withstand and recover quickly from a shock to the system.