Cash Flywheel


There are a lot of fun thing about running a business. Asking your vendors for more time or begging your bank for a loan are not on that ‘fun things’ list. Every business of every size in every stage needs cash. More cash, actually.

Seemore Hawk has the tools and processes to help you get control of your bank account and stabilize your business. The Cash Flywheel process uses deep financial analysis and a strategic mindset to unlock your company’s ability to avoid disasters, keep control, and march towards your growth plan.

This isn’t your typical accountant’s spreadsheet review

We routinely are engaged to implement the Cash Flywheel process related to:

  • Owner transition planning

  • M&A support

  • Strategic planning

  • Financial modeling/forecasting

  • Business value building

  • Funding growth plans

  • Reducing debt

  • Exit planning

  • Capital restructuring/bank loans

What is the process?

  1. Discover

    A deep dive financial analysis requires data. Lots of data. Fortunately, we already know where to look and what to ignore. Data is gathered in almost any format to be used in Seemore Hawk’s proprietary analysis tool.

  2. Analyze

    This is where the fun happens (if you are a numbers nerd). We take several slices of data, pull them apart, and put them back together in different ways until we find an ultimate fit. At this point, we now know what has happened with your cash and which levers can be pulled to increase the bank balance.  And we mean we really know – as in we will tell you exactly how much money will be put in the bank.   

  3. Execute

    Now it is time to execute and change our cash picture. Seemore Hawk walks you through what to stop or start doing. All within the parameters of your industry, size, and stage.

How to get started

Getting started is easy – we are not the kind of people to talk you around in a circle. There are two ways we deliver the Cash Flywheel process:

Six Month Coaching

As the name implies, this is the ‘teach me to fish’ approach. There are monthly training sessions with specific tasks assigned at each step. We provide the coaching environment and you learn how to spin the Cash Flywheel faster.

Pricing is a fixed fee per month.

Find Us The Money

This is the ‘just give me the fish already’ approach. Seemore Hawk gathers the data, runs the analysis, calculates various options, and works with you to execute a very detailed and specific project plan. This can be a good fit for the business owner without a lot of staff.

Pricing is a percentage of found cash.