Done for you CFO (DFY CFO)

Reaching the point where you require sophisticated financial insights should be cause for celebration. For most business owners, however, it’s a source of major stress. You need a qualified expert with advanced financial analytics systems to bring structure to your team, take the weight off your shoulders, and protect your growing business from unnecessary risk. But what if this isn’t the right time for a highly-paid, full-time addition to your payroll. Seemore Hawk’s DFY CFO service provides you with a dedicated CFO who will work directly with you and your team to execute:


Financial Benchmarking

See how your business stacks up against peers and others in your domain, right down to the smallest financial maneuvers. Financial benchmarking will show you where you’re overspending and underperforming compared to competitors and give you a baseline for appropriate levels. It informs your business decisions and helps you standardize your metrics and processes for continuous improvement. All this is under the expert guidance of your DFY CFO.

Cash Flywheel Modules/Training

The Cash Flywheel is the science behind whether your company has enough cash to grow or enough dept to go bankrupt. Your DFY CFO will start by gathering large amounts of relevant data, then analyze that data using Seemore Hawk’s proprietary analysis tool. These analyses will tell your CFO exactly what moves need to be made to generate more cash and exactly how much cash it will be. Working with you and your team, your CFO will execute these financial adjustments, and you’ll collect the rewards. 

Strategic Planning

Detailed planning for the near, middle, and distant future allow you to create a shared vision across your entire organization. Why do you need a shared vision? It gets everyone on the same page with an understanding that you’re working together towards a goal. Your staff is happier, and your management team can reduce the hands-on direction they have to apply for every project. Your DFY CFO will work with you to develop priorities and goals for the next year, three years, and ten years.

Budget and Forecast

Spending by the seat of your pants is a fast way to go broke or at least cut yourself off at the knee as far as business growth is concerned. You need a living financial snapshot and forecast to tell you where you are now and what you can expect your operations to generate down the line. This kind of financial preparation and awareness keeps your bankers and lenders happy and identifies weaknesses in your strategic plan. The plan and flywheel can then be adjusted to account for those gaps. Most importantly, your budget and forecast will provide spending guidelines to keep your company in the black.

Financial Dashboard

The best part of business finance is sifting through those detailed spreadsheets and complicated financial statements, for us anyway. If you’re not like us, you’d probably prefer to do anything else. We get it. Why outsource your CFO responsibilities if you still have to deal with tedious and complex accounting tasks? Your DFY CFO will provide you and your accounting team with easily digestible charts and graphs on an intuitive dashboard, so you can quickly view, understand, and make changes.

Monthly Financial Review

Finance and accounting aren’t things you can look over once and be good to go. They are constantly evolving machines that require constant supervision. Having a qualified expert on your team ensures that you can accurately and effectively interpret the results of your periodic financial statements. Every month, your DFY CFO will conduct a financial review to identify trends, concerns, successes, and changes that might affect your existing plans.

De-Risk The Business

Every business carries risk, and ignoring it will not make it go away. You can only protect your investments by addressing risk head-on to take preventative measures and develop a business continuity plan. De-risking your business de-stresses your life and ensures that your company can withstand a shock to the system. Seemore Hawk will help you remove unnecessary risk using legal, accounting, insurance, and employee tactics.